Remember the importance of embrace...
Nothing feels more comforting than being in the arms of the one you love. Personally, few things get me hotter when my boyfriend and I are kissing than when he places both hands on my face. It just feels so intimate - as though I'm the only one on Earth that he's ever kissed like that. Yes, I know that's not true (yes, it is!), but there's nothing wrong with feeding the fantasy. So, run your fingers through your partner's hair, caress their faces, touch their lips and pull them closer to you.
But also remember the importance of not touching.
Obviously, this kissing-only outing is not going to last if you're both groping each other's privates. Try to keep the fondling to the arms, neck, back and shoulders. If your mate is trying to go for the gold, simply move his or her hand elsewhere. The best move for this is to take the wandering hand and just entwine it with yours, or maybe turn it into a playful restraint situation by taking both of their hands and gently pinning them with your own, above the head or to the sides.
Try getting things started when you know you or your partner have to go somewhere soon.
That guarantees (for the most part - I've not discounted quickies) a stopping point without anyone's feelings getting hurt. It also gives you that revved up, "I can't wait to get back home" feeling that can make for some pretty explosive sexual encounters later.
Mostly, just have fun.
Again, this is to improve your love life, not restrict it. Obviously, if you're feeling it, then you should do whatever makes you feel good. Or if you know that your partner will be taken aback by not "closing the deal," then teasingly whisper that you're trying to get them hot and bothered so that when you do make love later, it will be better than ever.
So there you have it - a simple blueprint for Makeout City. Whether or not you use these particular techniques, kissing your own sweet baboo (and no, that's not a euphemism for any body part) will enrich and enliven your relationship. Not to mention, it will assure your partner that you love them and lets them know that, regardless of the longevity of your twosome, you are still attracted to them. Now, go load up on lip balm, turn on the radio, and get to smooching!
Nothing feels more comforting than being in the arms of the one you love. Personally, few things get me hotter when my boyfriend and I are kissing than when he places both hands on my face. It just feels so intimate - as though I'm the only one on Earth that he's ever kissed like that. Yes, I know that's not true (yes, it is!), but there's nothing wrong with feeding the fantasy. So, run your fingers through your partner's hair, caress their faces, touch their lips and pull them closer to you.
But also remember the importance of not touching.
Obviously, this kissing-only outing is not going to last if you're both groping each other's privates. Try to keep the fondling to the arms, neck, back and shoulders. If your mate is trying to go for the gold, simply move his or her hand elsewhere. The best move for this is to take the wandering hand and just entwine it with yours, or maybe turn it into a playful restraint situation by taking both of their hands and gently pinning them with your own, above the head or to the sides.
Try getting things started when you know you or your partner have to go somewhere soon.
That guarantees (for the most part - I've not discounted quickies) a stopping point without anyone's feelings getting hurt. It also gives you that revved up, "I can't wait to get back home" feeling that can make for some pretty explosive sexual encounters later.
Mostly, just have fun.
Again, this is to improve your love life, not restrict it. Obviously, if you're feeling it, then you should do whatever makes you feel good. Or if you know that your partner will be taken aback by not "closing the deal," then teasingly whisper that you're trying to get them hot and bothered so that when you do make love later, it will be better than ever.
So there you have it - a simple blueprint for Makeout City. Whether or not you use these particular techniques, kissing your own sweet baboo (and no, that's not a euphemism for any body part) will enrich and enliven your relationship. Not to mention, it will assure your partner that you love them and lets them know that, regardless of the longevity of your twosome, you are still attracted to them. Now, go load up on lip balm, turn on the radio, and get to smooching!