Thursday, April 30, 2009

LOVE CURRENCY by Stacey Murphy

As I was reflecting on my Art of Fearless Flirting playshop and my Velocity article about “Sensual Leadership”, an interesting phrase popped in my head…Love Currency. This may sound peculiar to some, the concept of love and currency, but when your life is filled with love, joy and pleasure by many accounts you’re a prosperous person. You can view this prosperity as a type of currency, an energy exchange of the highest vibration. Just like your personal finances, the more currency you have in the bank the more buying power you have. The same goes for Love Currency. The more love you have in your heart the more you’re able to share with another person. If your Love Currency is bankrupt, this can leave you feeling empty and unfulfilled. This emptiness further depletes your Love Currency which pushes away the very thing you want the most…love, sex, or personal satisfaction. So how can you consistently make love deposits? The answer is to live life, love life, and experience the fullness of life in pleasurable ways.

I love to teach women how to experience life in a more sensual and joyful manner. For sensuality is a vital part of making deposits in your Love Bank. The women I meet are in various relationship stages. Some are single desiring to be in a meaningful relationship. Others are married or in a committed partnership, while some are experiencing a transition from death or divorce. All of these women have one thing in common, the underlying desire to BE Love. All of us yearn to connect in meaningful ways. We wish to experience authentic joy, yet many unknowingly cut themselves off from the very love they desire. Why? Because their old wounds of limited self-worth disconnect them from embracing true bliss. This disconnection includes misalignment in their love and sex life. Ask yourself, is your love of self unwavering? Are you experiencing the intimate connections you seek? Do you have the most fulfilling sex life imaginable? Or, are you stuck in a rut?

Does any of this sound familiar to you…
  • If you’re Single, yet repeatedly have a belief that “all of the good one’s are taken”, then that is what you manifest.
  • If you’re in a Committed Partnership, yet believe long-term relationships just get routine over time, then that’s what you manifest.
  • If you’re in a Relationship Transition, yet believe you’re not in a position to experience joy, then that’s what you manifest.
Invigorating your life with a sense of play, releasing yourself from inhibiting beliefs, authentically embracing your sexuality and suspending judgment that block you from your joy are the fastest ways to fill your bank with vital Love Currency. Working with women to embrace their sense of play through the Art of Flirting is a great way to fill up your Love Bank.

Why Flirting? It’s fun and natural. As women, our natural flirting skills where suppressed and labeled as something negative. I’ve encountered many women in committed relationships who feel they no longer need to flirt because they “have” their Lover. Yet the delightful nature of flirting is a simple and seductive skill that helps to keep the spark of desire burning for the long haul. So let’s clear up some Flirting misconceptions.

Flirting IS NOT:
  • Only for the singles.
  • It’s not manipulation.
  • It’s not sleazy or unbecoming of a woman.
Flirting IS:
  • For Singles. Builds confidence and self-worth that boost your Love Currency to attract a Lover.
  • For Committed Partners. Great way to infuse fun, spontaneity and rekindle desire in a long-term relationship preventing it from becoming stale and predictable.
  • For Partners in Transition. Feeling connected to your inner flirt helps you to maintain and nurture your self-esteem during this challenging time.

Play with your inner flirt and make meaningful deposits of Love Currency.

Enhance your intimacy skills by attending Blissful Lotus’ Art of Fearless Flirting Playshop.