Thursday, April 30, 2009

LOVE CURRENCY by Stacey Murphy

As I was reflecting on my Art of Fearless Flirting playshop and my Velocity article about “Sensual Leadership”, an interesting phrase popped in my head…Love Currency. This may sound peculiar to some, the concept of love and currency, but when your life is filled with love, joy and pleasure by many accounts you’re a prosperous person. You can view this prosperity as a type of currency, an energy exchange of the highest vibration. Just like your personal finances, the more currency you have in the bank the more buying power you have. The same goes for Love Currency. The more love you have in your heart the more you’re able to share with another person. If your Love Currency is bankrupt, this can leave you feeling empty and unfulfilled. This emptiness further depletes your Love Currency which pushes away the very thing you want the most…love, sex, or personal satisfaction. So how can you consistently make love deposits? The answer is to live life, love life, and experience the fullness of life in pleasurable ways.

I love to teach women how to experience life in a more sensual and joyful manner. For sensuality is a vital part of making deposits in your Love Bank. The women I meet are in various relationship stages. Some are single desiring to be in a meaningful relationship. Others are married or in a committed partnership, while some are experiencing a transition from death or divorce. All of these women have one thing in common, the underlying desire to BE Love. All of us yearn to connect in meaningful ways. We wish to experience authentic joy, yet many unknowingly cut themselves off from the very love they desire. Why? Because their old wounds of limited self-worth disconnect them from embracing true bliss. This disconnection includes misalignment in their love and sex life. Ask yourself, is your love of self unwavering? Are you experiencing the intimate connections you seek? Do you have the most fulfilling sex life imaginable? Or, are you stuck in a rut?

Does any of this sound familiar to you…
  • If you’re Single, yet repeatedly have a belief that “all of the good one’s are taken”, then that is what you manifest.
  • If you’re in a Committed Partnership, yet believe long-term relationships just get routine over time, then that’s what you manifest.
  • If you’re in a Relationship Transition, yet believe you’re not in a position to experience joy, then that’s what you manifest.
Invigorating your life with a sense of play, releasing yourself from inhibiting beliefs, authentically embracing your sexuality and suspending judgment that block you from your joy are the fastest ways to fill your bank with vital Love Currency. Working with women to embrace their sense of play through the Art of Flirting is a great way to fill up your Love Bank.

Why Flirting? It’s fun and natural. As women, our natural flirting skills where suppressed and labeled as something negative. I’ve encountered many women in committed relationships who feel they no longer need to flirt because they “have” their Lover. Yet the delightful nature of flirting is a simple and seductive skill that helps to keep the spark of desire burning for the long haul. So let’s clear up some Flirting misconceptions.

Flirting IS NOT:
  • Only for the singles.
  • It’s not manipulation.
  • It’s not sleazy or unbecoming of a woman.
Flirting IS:
  • For Singles. Builds confidence and self-worth that boost your Love Currency to attract a Lover.
  • For Committed Partners. Great way to infuse fun, spontaneity and rekindle desire in a long-term relationship preventing it from becoming stale and predictable.
  • For Partners in Transition. Feeling connected to your inner flirt helps you to maintain and nurture your self-esteem during this challenging time.

Play with your inner flirt and make meaningful deposits of Love Currency.

Enhance your intimacy skills by attending Blissful Lotus’ Art of Fearless Flirting Playshop.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

12 Tips to Great Sex

by Dr. Ava Cadell (My mentor)

I believe that regularly occurring and frequent sex will produce certain emotional and physical health benefits.

It has long been established that there are numerous health benefits related to sexual activity, an awareness that has been recorded in our culture for centuries in the form of such old wives’s tales as "use it, or lose it." Just as if you don't use your household appliances regularly, they become rusty and break down.

Now you can tell your lover, spouse, significant other, or even yourself what you've hoped to hear for years! Not only is sex fun and exciting - it's healthy. "Sexercise" your body and see the benefits. Do it alone or with someone, but do it. Some of the same physical benefits you seek by working out at the gym are literally right at your fingertips.

Are you tired of waiting in line to use the barbells? Is the treadmill tearing up your kneecaps? Does that personal trainer show no mercy - no pain; no gain? Tone those muscles, improve your health and give your body a boost with Dr. Ava's Sexercise Tips.

  1. Tip 1: Change sexual positions to stimulate different muscles.
  2. Tip 2: Exercise the muscles in your tongue by using it to write the alphabet or love letters on your lover's body.
  3. Tip 3: Give your lover a sensuous massage to stimulate their skin, improve circulation and help remove toxinsBy enjoying ourselves sexually we can actually improve our bodies both physically and mentally. Did you know that during sex, the flow of blood throughout the body not only improves circulation but also eliminates headaches? The improved flow of blood along the spinal column to the brain that results from an orgasm may just be the right thing to get rid of that migraine. No more cliche excuses ladies! Men, the next time your partner says, "I've got a headache," you can say "Good, let's make love and get rid of it." Even that heavy breathing with someone you love is healthy as you regulate and exercise your respiratory organs. If you think you're overweight and need to lose a few pounds, there's no more fun way to do it than with increased sexual activity. It won't counteract the effects of overeating, but it does burn up calories, and, can also help turn fat into muscle more quickly than other forms of exercise - plus, working on that muscle tone can't be more fun then while having sex. The natural tensing of your muscles while engaging in sex can work on the shoulders, neck, biceps, thighs, abs, stomach and buttocks. The relaxation that follows helps work as a natural sedative. Pump up your love muscles and the world will look a whole lot brighter.
  4. Tip 4: Men, your PC muscle (love muscle) is just under the penis. It's the same muscle that you use to stop the flow of urine. Squeeze it to prolong lovemaking and control orgasm.
  5. Tip 5: Ladies, your love muscle is located between the anus and the vagina. Exercise your PC muscle to squeeze your lover's penis and increase erotic sensations.Having trouble sleeping? Well, take Dr. Ava's advice. There is no better cure for insomnia than good sex. You feel so relaxed that it naturally leads you into a deep sleep - and guys, wrap your arms around your special someone. Help cuddle them off to dreamland. The opposite is also true, ladies. Imagine the magic of waking up in the morning by lovemaking at dawn. It gets both your hearts and minds racing - and, it's healthier than caffeine anytime. The physical and emotional aspects of sex can, and do work together in improving self-esteem and adding to a sense of well-being. The unique sense of intimate connection with your lover cannot be duplicated by any other activity. Believe it or not, sex can also work as a laxative, toning and controlling the lower abdominal muscles. The muscle relaxant post-orgasmic state has so many benefits that it can solve a host of problems, even constipation. Stressed? What better cure than sex?
  6. Tip 6: If you're feeling tense, set aside some quiet time and shut out the deadlines and pressures, if only for a "quickie."You will find that many of the symptoms of stress will disappear with a little loving. Not only will you feel a lot looser, you'll breathe better, and, some of those other problems relating to stress - poor judgment, short temper, or a sense of helplessness, will begin to fade into oblivion. Feeling good sexually is a natural high that helps make all those little problems of the day seem a little less important. So, the next time you need a little relief and there is no one else around, masturbation is as good an activity as people once considered was bad. If you find yourself alone and without a partner, so what! We all occasionally find ourselves alone with time on our hands (pun intended). While my "sexercise" prescriptions are a lot of fun for couples, use your most erotic organ (your brain) and all the same physical benefits I've mentioned can be yours alone. Ladies, when it's that time of the month, if you suffer from those cramps, you may be interested to know that:
  7. Tip 7: An orgasm a day will keep menstrual cramps away by providing a natural decongestion, resulting in less of the pain that can be so...well, irritating.Women have a multi-orgasmic capacity that may remain untapped without a little help from a "friend". Explore that illusive G-spot area and you might discover a longer, deeper, more powerful orgasm then you ever imagined.
  8. Tip 8: Experiment when that live partner isn't around. This is the time to let your fantasies run rampant, use sex toys, erotic audios or videos to stimulate your senses and heighten your arousal.Since sexual fulfillment also involves your brain, it can improve your concentration, and contribute greatly to your powers of imagination and creativity. If your work is getting you down, close your eyes and think about that ideal lover. I assure you, when you finish fantasizing, your mind and body will be ready to tackle the challenge that moments before seemed impossible. Ladies, do you secretly fantasize about your special someone watching you do a striptease? Tell him. Men, do you have a fantasy where your girl friend or wife dominates you? Tell her! Are you curious about anal sex? Buy a butt plug and experiment. There is absolutely nothing too wild or unusual in sex, as long as it's between two consensual adults.
  9. Tip 9: Share your innermost thoughts and watch your relationship flourish.
  10. Tip 10: Use the power of suggestion and role-playing to make your fantasies come true.If you trust each other implicitly, and love your partner with abandon, nothing will embolden your relationships more than the sharing of fantasies. What safer way for you single people to begin to share sexual intimacy than watching each other masturbate or helping each other to reach an orgasm without intercourse.
  11. Tip 11: Learn to share your bodies without embarrassment and the trust that you develop for each other will be a solid foundation upon which to build a future together.The pleasure, which comes from watching the love of your life, reach his or her pinnacle of sexual satisfaction, can be the most beautiful sight in the world. The ultimate "sexercise" to practice with your lover may be Tantric sex. A sacred kind of love, Tantric sex helps you concentrate on both the healing and energizing effects of harmonious breathing. While making love in the lotus position, you breathe out as your lover breathes in, hypnotically relaxing, it aids in the exchange of yin and yang (male and female energy). If there is a better way of getting in touch with your masculine and feminine selves, I'd like to hear about it! Tantric exercises share a deeper ability to communicate. It is the purest way of sharing the best prescription for health - SEX!
  12. Tip 12: One of the oldest Tantric exercises which combine a physical, mental and spiritual way of life is the Venus Butterfly Technique which was first practiced in India around 3000 B.C. By simultaneous stimulation of the clitoris and tapping on the G-Spot (located approximately two inches inside, on the upper wall of the vagina, between the opening and the cervix), it is possible for the woman to reach both an internal orgasm and an external one which may result in multiple orgasms. There has been an enormous amount of psychological research focusing on the relationship between sexuality and mental health. Recent medical studies by the American Heart Association have confirmed the physical benefits of an active sex life. The American Association of Urologists and significant medical school studies at the Universities of California and Indiana, just to name two, has documented studies about the health aspects of sexual activity. The Touch Institute in Florida has evidence that touch is the most powerful form of communication and maintenance of good health, physically and emotionally. The emotional fulfillment that comes from a healthy sex life results in the relaxation of your muscles and your brain. Sex is good for your heart and lungs. Orgasms can alleviate certain headaches, the pain of menstrual cramps, act as a laxative, and help to burn calories, keep muscles toned and organs healthy. It can have the effect of an anti-depressant, a mild sedative. Sex can stimulate creativity, improve concentration and reduce stress. And...most importantly, it feels good! Go for the gold - but always safely. Don't jeopardize all the truly wonderful benefits of an active sex life by being careless and irresponsible.

Loveology University® Founder Dr. Ava Cadell
My mentor, Dr. Ava Cadell, is known around the world for giving people a complete perspective on relationships, intimacy and sexuality. Her ability to communicate to different groups is demonstrated by her International TV shows and seminar appearances.
Dr. Ava pioneered the personal development of Certified Loveologist Love Coaches, helping them to help the general public to reach their potential in their love lives.