Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Reclaim Your Female Joy
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Sexual Stages In A Relationship

- Sweatpants Stage
- Conflict Stage
- Sleep Stage
- Waking Up Stage
(Article originally published by Tammy Nelson & adapted for this website)
Falling in love is easy. That’s why we call it “falling” and not “climbing.” Sometimes we even plummet into love. This falling idea implies we don’t have a choice. It also means we don’t have control. Falling in love is an emotional bungee jump, an adventurous free fall into the unknown depths of imagined romance. There is an element of excitement to that “falling” feeling. When we relax our guard and let ourselves love another person, we get into the rush. It’s only later that we say to ourselves, “Oh, wait, what was I thinking?”
In the early phases of romantic love, everything feels easy. We are excited to see our beloved. We think about them often. We desire them sexually. And sometimes we feel like we can’t get enough.
At some point, the fall seems to slow down. Maybe it even stops. For some of us the ground rushes up fast, and we slam into the hard cold reality of real relationship. Our partner doesn’t always adore us. We don’t always feel cherished. Sometimes they annoy us. And sex isn’t as spontaneous and passionate as it was during the free fall stage. The relationship moves into a more settled place and sometimes we wonder whether we are still in love. When the sex is different, the highs are not as high, and the attraction is not the same, does this mean that we are no longer in love? What happened to the passion? Long-term relationships are not necessarily a death sentence for love and desire. These phases of partnership are normal and common to everyone. Sexual excitement and passion are part of a conscious relationship, where a shared vision of connected, intimate partnership is part of the work of couple hood.
Better sex and more passion often require more conscious choice. It may not feel effortless anymore like it did in the free fall phase of your relationship. But now we have the opportunity to create the passion we really want.
The "Sweatpants" Stage

The Conflict Stage

The Sleep Stage

Waking Up

Your Assignment - Sex Date

For more information or specific exercises to do on Sex Date night, the book Getting the Sex You Want by Tammy Nelson is available on Amazon.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Feminine Arts & Techniques
Within every woman is a Goddess. By tuning in to your innate sense of your feminine skills, you can unleash hidden powers that can transform you into an innocent wildflower or a daring vamp. This intuitive guide will help you to resurrect those elusive and erotic talents.
All women possess the power to be alluring and mysterious – but few know how to use it wisely. Whether you’re seducing the man of your dreams or trying to meet him, it is within you to create that powerful draw of attraction to ignite passion, connection and fulfillment. This is about celebrating your womanhood and using your inborn wisdom to attract love and find fulfillment.
Feminine Arts & Techniques
The following information list popular scents, colors, hues, fabrics, and foods that speak the language of love, sex and sometimes, “get lost”. You can use these definitions to decipher what your outfits have been saying to people all these years.
Allure the Senses with Scent
To obtain these scents, you can use scented lotions, oils, candles, and any other natural fragrance to the carry the message.
To Entice
- Vanilla General fragrance for welcoming and warmth
- Lavender Opens the space for connection and love
- Orange Blossom Stimulates root center to bring our your sensuality
To Seduce
- Cinnamon “Heat” generator. Raises your energy and the energy of those around you
- Jasmine Heightens allure for that come-hither appeal
- Musk Evokes sexual stimulation
- Rose Heart connection when you are already with someone. It has a subtle resonance
- Honeysuckle For making love. Brings heart, throat, and brow into focus, helping to expand the lovemaking experience beyond the physical
- Ylang Ylang Connects allure, love and desire
- Cold Colors Aloof, remote, cool, not demure, “ice queen”
- Warm Colors Friendly, open, inviting, “come hither”
- Pastels Young, simple, fresh icy, girlish
- Earth Tones Inviting, not flirty, fertile, illuminated, warm
- Neutrals Blank, remote, “business”
- Jewel Tones Clear, direct, rich, touchable, reverent
- Silk This is the fabric of attraction. It can lend mystery to your look, because it veils you while being alluring.
- Damasks, Satins and Velvets These are passion raisers. Their richness invites touch and exudes warmth and heat. The sheen of satin and the glow of velvet signal open sensuality.
- Leather Power
- Lust Inducing Chocolate, cinnamon, mint, nuts, vanilla, olives
- Love Inducing Apple, apricot, cherry, chili pepper, figs, maple, mango, peppermint, plums, strawberry
The perfect Seduction tools: Silkey Sheets Spray, Kama Sutra Honey Dust, Shunga Soft Moves Massage Cream, Deluxe Mitt & Ladyfinger
Seduction: The 64 Arts of the Kama Sutra
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
7 Keys to Bedroom Bliss
Many books have been written on this suject but there is a set of 'Keys' that will help you right now to transforming your sexual experience. These keys can be practiced and experimented with for your own personal pleasure. Each of us is different, and yet each of us is the same in many ways, so your unique sexploration with these keys will depend on you and the experience you want.
You may not think breathing is very sexy but you couldn't be further from the truth. The benefits are extraordinary and have direct health benefits, too. Learning to breathe deeply into your belly increases relaxation, decreases tension and stress, and puts more oxygen into your blood stream. Oxygen is what delivers the 'O' in Orgasm.
Before you begin making love, sit on the bed, facing each other, and eye gaze and breathe deeply together. Eye gazing is easy - simply soften your eyes and look into your partner's eyes without "doing anything." The eyes are the windows to the soul. The next time you are making love look deeply into your lover's eyes. Experience the whole event from that perspective, if possible.
Learn the right way to do Kegel or PC muscle sexercises and DO them. Your orgasms will be stronger and longer and more satisfying if you have strong PC muscles. You will want sex more often - you'll be turned-on more. You'll like this if you want to up the ante on your sex drive.
Pay close attention to how you are touching. Be very deliberate in the touch quality you offer. Put your attention on what you are doing. Notice if your own fingers feel exquisite to you. If they do then your lover will be feeling it too!
A deep sense of spirit and sensuality is easy to create, especially in your bedroom. Design a space that is sensual, cozy, and restful. Throughout most high cultures of the past, the art of decoration and placement was an important aspect of how life was conducted. Combining the sensual with the spiritual can birth a fresh essence in your relationship.
Ancient Eastern societies believed that each individual was the earthly manifestation of the God and Goddess. This belief held each individual responsible for their moral behavior to match that of the Gods. The Sanskrit word Namaste (na-ma-stay) exemplifies this concept. It is used as a greeting and means "the divine in me sees the divine in you." When we can overlook the little nuisances that bother us about our partners, and hold them in a divine light, our relationships are much more fun and meaningful.
Key #7: Communicate
Use your brain, your heart, and your voice during sex. Communicate!
Here's a simple 3-step lesson to use when you aren't getting what you want:
- Make a small compliment about something that is right. "Honey, I like the light touch you're using on my..."
- Make a single request: "Could you try doing the same thing but faster?"
- Make a comment: "Wow, I thought that would be great but it doesn't work." Or "Yes, that's it. Oh my!"
Get the picture? It's called a sandwich: Say something that is working, ask for a single change, make an acknowledgement of the change, whether it worked or not. With this kind of a feedback cycle you'll both be more empowered to learn so much more about each other.
A Sensual Evening ala The Kama Sutra:
Tantric philosophy says that the search for knowledge is in everything you do, see, and experience. Being aware of your senses - touch, smell, taste, sight, and hearing - and using them consciously will create a more mindful life.
Bedroom Bliss - Love Ritual

- Bathe each other and towel each other dry.
- Decide who will go first, then blindfold the Receiver and lie them down on your bed.
- Treat them to different modalities of touch: a feather, a rose, a piece of fur, a piece of velvet, and see if they can identify what it is you are using. Blow on them softly. Trail a silk scarf or your hair over the length of their body.
- Pass bits of fruit under their nose for them to enjoy smelling. Try a flower from your garden. Dab a bit of perfume or a scented oil on your fingertips and wave it in the air. Use things that are subtle to the senses.
- Gather a small bell, a chime, your charm bracelet, some dry leaves on a branch, a crystal glass to ring, a Tibetan bowl, or anything else you can think of that would produce exquisite sounds for your partner to experience.
- Even bending close to their ear and breathing softly will work. Have them taste the different fruits you earlier passed by their nose now. A bit of whipped cream, chocolate, or liqueur would do nicely, too.
- Remember to remind your partner to breathe deeply and take it all in.
The point of this evening is to treat your partner to a complete sensory experience. When you block one of the senses like sight the other senses become heightened. You can then experience them more deeply and become "aware" of their essences. You can come to your senses again.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
13 Secrets of Self-Love: The Art of Female Self-Pleasuring
Since ancient civilization, self-pleasuring (autoeroticism) has been practiced as a natural and elegant way of honoring the gift of a body and communing with one's inner divinity. Even today, sex therapists extol the benefits of self-pleasuring as a vital tool for self-knowledge and relationship enhancement. Sexual satisfaction with a lover is attained by first becoming a sexual virtuoso with yourself. Simply put it’s the LAW OF ATTRACTION!
Intimacy Aids: Instructional DVDs, Erotic Toys
Secret #2: Self-pleasuring makes you feel sexy
Intimacy Aids: Bath & body products, creams, lotions
Secret #3: Self-pleasuring puts you in touch with your bodyMost of the time, we ignore our bodies.
Intimacy Aids: Massage oils, massage mits, lubricants
Secret #4: Self-pleasuring strengthens and increases the flexibility of your love muscle
Intimacy Aid: Smart Balls
Secret #5: Self-pleasuring teaches you how to have orgasms - easily and quickly
Intimacy Aids: Vibrators, Clitoral Stimulants
Secret #6: Self-pleasuring puts you in control of your own pleasure
Intimacy Aids: Vibrators, Glass Dildos, Dongs
Secret #7: Self-pleasuring leads to self-confidence in all areas of life
Secret #8: Self-pleasuring is the key to overcoming sexual guilt and self-repression
Secret #9: Self-pleasuring promotes health, well-being and energy
Secret #10: Self-pleasuring reduces stress and tension
Secret #11: Self-pleasuring enhances lovemaking with your lover
Secret #12: In the age of HIV/AIDS, self-pleasuring is the ultimate in safe sex
Secret #13: The joy of self-pleasuring is always available
Sunday, May 4, 2008
6 Steps To Kissable Lips

So, that’s it. Remember to change up colors to suit your moods, but to also have one “constant” color in your purse or locker for emergencies. Investing in a lip mask is a great idea, but if Santa’s not springing this year, just be sure to work that warm wash cloth around your lips.
The Art of Kissing

Why, I'm sure you're asking? If you're a sexually active adult, then you must be wondering why shouldn't kissing continue to be foreplay that leads to sex? I'm not saying that we need to ban sex, but what I am suggesting is limiting how far you go from time to time would actually go a long way toward making your sexual experiences richer and even more enjoyable. Are you intrigued?
Let's explore the "Art of Kissing" from an emotional, mental and physical level:
Return to The Days of Innocense.
And yes, that can be a good thing. No matter how much of an, uh ., experienced lass or lad you are, there was a time B.I. - Before Intercourse. A time when everyone knew what the limits were, so there was no pressure about going further. You could just enjoy the moment and all of the new feelings. Of course, there was always the idea of sex in the back of everyone's mind - that's what made the making out so "dangerous" - but for the most part, no one had to seriously confront that issue, so it was just hours of glorious liplock.
You'll be Reminded of Why You Were Attracted to Your Partner in the First Place.
OK, so you're hopefully warming up to this experiment. Now, how to implement it? I'll be the first to admit that this may take a little cunning - particularly if you're currently in a relationship that has crossed the sexual border many, many times. You don't want to be a complete tease or make your partner think that you aren't attracted to him or her anymore, but you also need to control the situation. So, the most important thing is to undertake this semi-spontaneously. Don't plan an Intercourse Embargo when you've got a special night on the horizon - romantic dinner, an anniversary, etc. - because frankly, that's just cruel.
It will take a bit of resolve on your part as well, because, let's face it, we enjoy having sex with our partners. And honestly, if things do progress to the point of no return, there's certainly no harm in it. You'll just have to try again. and how is that a bad thing?
Take Your Lover by Surprise.
Stay Dressed.
Use Different Techniques to Keep Things Simmering; Not Boiling.
The Art of Kissing (The Embrace)

Nothing feels more comforting than being in the arms of the one you love. Personally, few things get me hotter when my boyfriend and I are kissing than when he places both hands on my face. It just feels so intimate - as though I'm the only one on Earth that he's ever kissed like that. Yes, I know that's not true (yes, it is!), but there's nothing wrong with feeding the fantasy. So, run your fingers through your partner's hair, caress their faces, touch their lips and pull them closer to you.
But also remember the importance of not touching.
Obviously, this kissing-only outing is not going to last if you're both groping each other's privates. Try to keep the fondling to the arms, neck, back and shoulders. If your mate is trying to go for the gold, simply move his or her hand elsewhere. The best move for this is to take the wandering hand and just entwine it with yours, or maybe turn it into a playful restraint situation by taking both of their hands and gently pinning them with your own, above the head or to the sides.
Try getting things started when you know you or your partner have to go somewhere soon.
That guarantees (for the most part - I've not discounted quickies) a stopping point without anyone's feelings getting hurt. It also gives you that revved up, "I can't wait to get back home" feeling that can make for some pretty explosive sexual encounters later.
Mostly, just have fun.
Again, this is to improve your love life, not restrict it. Obviously, if you're feeling it, then you should do whatever makes you feel good. Or if you know that your partner will be taken aback by not "closing the deal," then teasingly whisper that you're trying to get them hot and bothered so that when you do make love later, it will be better than ever.
So there you have it - a simple blueprint for Makeout City. Whether or not you use these particular techniques, kissing your own sweet baboo (and no, that's not a euphemism for any body part) will enrich and enliven your relationship. Not to mention, it will assure your partner that you love them and lets them know that, regardless of the longevity of your twosome, you are still attracted to them. Now, go load up on lip balm, turn on the radio, and get to smooching!
The Kissing Guide

Kiss between the eyes, on the tip of the nose, and then on the lips.
Top and Bottom
Kiss the top lip, then the bottom lip, then both.
Lickable Lips
Run the tip of your tongue along your partner's lips.
Gently kiss, nibble, and suck on the earlobe.
Facial Lines
Trace the neck and jawbone with your lips and tongue.
The Big Tease
Kiss everywhere but the lips, until your partner pulls you to their lips.
Caressed Lips
Rub your finger gently across their lips and then go in for a kiss.
Look in their eyes and whisper you want to kiss them. Press your lips gently to theirs', caress their lips with yours and then give her/him a passionate kiss.
Gently brush cheeks with your partner.
Eskimo Kiss
Gently rub the tips of your noses together.
Brush eyelashes with your partner. Make a fluttering motion of the eyelash by quickly opening and closing the eye.
Rose Petals
Make a small "O" with your lips. Press your lips against your partner's skin and suck softly. Lift your lips off a little, move over slightly, and repeat.
Hostage Kiss
Cover your lips with tape and get your partner's attention. When they come near, make noises like you're trying to tell them something and motion as if you can't get the tape off. Once they remove the tape from you to hear what you're trying to say, tell them, "I've been saving my lips all day just for you!" Then kiss them passionately.
Strawberry Secret
Place a strawberry in your mouth without your partner knowing. Crush the strawberry in your mouth and feed some to your partner while you kiss.
Cold as Ice
Put a piece of ice in your mouth without your partner knowing. Kiss them on the neck and let the ice softly touch their skin.
Back Kisses
Snuggle up behind your partner and proceed to cover their back with little kisses.
Foot Kisses
When your lover comes home from work, or wherever, wash their feet and give them a massage. While you're giving them the massage, lean over and give little kisses on their feet.
Hershey's Kiss
Try not to kiss your partner all day. Throughout the day leave Hershey's kisses or some sort of romantic candy in places that they will know it's for them. Later in the day start leaving notes with poetry or quotes on kissing for them. After that, leave a love letter describing how you'd like to kiss them and the satisfaction that it would bring you. Once you feel they've had enough teasing, spend sometime rewarding them with lots of kissing! This is rewarding for yourself as well, since you've been thinking about kissing them all day too.
Red Light Kiss
When in the car with your partner, every time you stop at a red light, lean over and kiss them until the light goes green.
Recorded Kiss
Record the sound of yourself blowing a kiss. Then either e-mail it to your partner or leave a note somewhere with instructions to press play.
Video Kiss
Record on a videotape or web cam yourself blowing kisses to your partner and tell them how much you miss them.
E-mail Kiss
Draw or animate a pair of lips kissing. Then send it to your sweetheart.
The Lost Kiss
Look around your partner, looking under things and appearing like you're searching for something. When asked what you're looking for, say "I've been looking for a kiss all day but I can't find one anywhere. Oh wait, I found it." Then give your partner a kiss.
Wake Up Kiss
Before your partner awakes, lean over and kiss their cheek. Then give soft kisses across their cheek until you reach their lips.
Make Up Kisses
At the end of the day, sit down with your partner and ask them how his/her day went. Silently keep track of all the bad things that happened during the day. When he/she is finished, give them a kiss for each one. When asked what you are doing, say you are helping make up for all those bad things.
Post-It Kiss
Make a post-it note trail that leads to your lips. On each note leave a lipstick kiss and an arrow or clue to find the next note. Place the last note over or near your lips.
Full Body Meltdown
While your partner is laying down, slip over to them and start running your tongue, very gently, up their leg, arms, reaching their lips give them a full passionate kiss.
The Grandious Tease
Softly run your fingers across your partner's lips, lure them in to kissing you, but before you kiss, pull away and then go in for the kiss, then pull away again, etc., etc.
Proper Care of Your Erotic Toys

Many people think they know the proper care for their personal products, but, in fact, the things many of us THINK are good for our toys…are actually very destructive to them. Here are some helpful tips to keep not only your toys in excellent condition but you healthy!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Book Your "Tour of Sensual Bliss" at Your Business!
What will your business receive?
Your Playshop Choices Are: (Click on Link for More Details)
- Secrets of the Oral Arts: Pleasing Your Man
- Art of the Seduction Goddess: Release Your Feminine Whiles
- Sex Appeal for the Empowered Woman
- Good Girls Guide to HOT Sex
- Libido 911: Your Rx to Rekindle Passion & Desire
- Law of Attraction: The Secret to Relationships
- Kama Sutra Sex Positions & Other Tempting Treats
- How to Please a Woman: Your Guide to Everlasting Love
- Tantric Workshop: 28 Days to Ecstasy for Couples
- Tantra Sensory Foreplay
- Erotic Kissing for Couples
Events work best for a group of 6+, but no more than can comfortably be seated at your business. We'll work together and tailor the event specifically to suit your needs.
If your business already has a fee structure great! Just let us know what it is.
However, if your business doesn't, here are 2 Fee Structures that are determined by the level of advertising your business provides for the event. Commission is based on the paid class attendance.
30% Commission - Business Provides
- Use of Business Space
- Blissful Lotus collects all registrations and payments
- On Location Signage, Flyers and Word of Mouth
- Inclusion in Business Email Blasts, Promotional Campaigns
- Electronic Media: Calendar Submissions, Social Media
- Inclusion in existing print advertising campaigns
- Use of business space
- Blissful Lotus collects all registrations and payments
- On Location Signage, Flyers and Word of Mouth
- Inclusion in Business Email Blasts, Promotional Campaigns
- Electronic Media: Calendar Submissions, Social Media
We understand things happen. Since Blissful Lotus held the scheduled date on our calendar, a fee may be incurred to cover cost. The cancellation fee is:
- 2 Weeks Prior to Event - No Cancellation Fee
- 1 Week Prior to Event - $50 Fee
- Less then 1 Week Notice - $75 Fee